8th World Congress of the Bachelier Finance Society
The World Congress of the Bachelier Finance Society is the premier event in the international quantitative and mathematical finance calendar, attracting hundreds of participants every two years. The 8th World Congress will be held June 2-6, 2014 in Brussels.
The congress is jointly organised by Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Universiteit Antwerpen, Universiteit Gent, Université Libre de Bruxelles and Vrije Universiteit Brussel, with the support of the National Bank of Belgium.
Scientific Committee
Carl Chiarella
Michel Crouhy
Damir Filipovic
Lane Hughston
Rüdiger Kiesel
Steve Kou
Antoon Pelsser
Walter Schachermayer
Wim Schoutens
Mete Soner
Nick Webber
Rudi Zagst
Thaleia Zariphopoulou
Steering Organising Committee
Wim Schoutens
Griselda Deelstra
Ann De Schepper
Michèle Vanmaele
Local Organising Committee
Jan Dhaene
Pierre Patie
Hugues Pirotte
Steven Vanduffel
David Vyncke
For any information, please contact the Organising Secretariat Momentum:
Grensstraat 8
B-3010 Leuven, Belgium
Phone: +32 (0)16 40 45 55
Fax: +32 (0)16 40 35 51
Contact person: Mieke Akkers
E-mail: BFScongress2014@momentum-pco.be